Showing posts with label fiverr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiverr. Show all posts

March 7, 2014

Crochet minion

crochet minion
Today I finished another order. This little and cute minion was shipped home. I hope he will be loved and taken good care of :)
Have a safe trip, little guy!

December 26, 2013

Getting bigger

Fiverr stuff is going pretty well. Since my previous post I've created a couple of new gigs. The most popular one is crocheted minion with a key ring. I've sold about 30 of those little guys and I'm planning on adding more gigs.
Many orders is a good thing, but having a full-time job prevents me from doing something else besides the orders. So for meanwhile I'm only collecting the ideas of small crochet projects and hopefully one day I will have enough time to fulfill all of my crochet dreams :)

Here's a picture of some of my little crochet creations!

November 20, 2013

Trying Fiverr

I was thinking of trying something easy to launch the sale of my crafts. I know there are plenty of different sites for handmade gifts, one of them is Etsy. But I decided to start with Fiverr since it is easy to publish and the site is pretty enjoyable :)

So my first two crochet gigs are Keyholder Owlets and Little Snowmen. I think they can make really nice gifts for family and friends.
I'm learning how to take high quality pictures of the products, which turned out to be a harder task than I thought :) Besides, I tried  to shoot a short video about my owlets. Hopefully it will help me boost my sales!

I also realized I need a good camera, since it awkward to publish iPhone pictures and videos. Gonna work on that.